Napoleon Bonaparte is one of the most fascinating and controversial figures in history. Napoleon: A Disastrous Biopic of a Legendary Figure. He rose from obscurity to become a military genius, a political mastermind, and an emperor who shaped the destiny of Europe. His life and legacy have inspired countless books, documentaries, and films. But none of them can compare to the colossal failure that is Napoleon, the latest biopic starring Joaquin Phoenix.

Napoleon: The Good

The only good thing about this movie is Joaquin Phoenix’s performance. He tries his best to portray Napoleon as a complex and charismatic leader, who is driven by ambition, passion, and insecurity. He captures some of the nuances and contradictions of Napoleon’s personality, such as his love for Josephine, his ruthlessness towards his enemies, and his delusions of grandeur. Phoenix is undoubtedly a talented actor, but even he cannot save this movie from its many flaws.

Napoleon Napoleon: A Disastrous Biopic The Bad

Where do I begin? This movie is riddled with historical inaccuracies, clichés, and stereotypes. Napoleon is depicted as a one-dimensional villain, who is obsessed with power and glory. It ignores his achievements and reforms, such as the Napoleonic Code, the Continental System, and the Concordat. It also exaggerates his faults and failures, such as his invasion of Russia, his exile to Elba, and his defeat at Waterloo. The movie relies on outdated and biased sources, such as the memoirs of his enemies and detractors. It also invents scenes and dialogues that never happened, such as Napoleon’s meeting with Hitler in a dream sequence.

Napoleon: A Disastrous Biopic of a Legendary Figure, Napoleon battle scene

The movie also fails to capture the spirit and context of the Napoleonic era. France is portrayed as a dark and oppressive regime, where everyone lives in fear and misery. It neglects the fact that Napoleon was popular among many French people, who saw him as a hero and a liberator. It also overlooks the fact that Napoleon faced formidable opposition from other European powers, who wanted to restore the old order and prevent France from becoming a dominant force. The movie reduces the complex and dynamic political and military situation to a simplistic and moralistic struggle between good and evil.

Napoleon: A Disastrous Biopic of a Legendary Figure The Ugly

The worst part of this movie is its production value. The movie looks cheap and amateurish, with poor cinematography, editing, and sound design. The costumes and sets are inaccurate and inconsistent, with some characters wearing modern clothes and accessories. The special effects are laughable, with fake-looking explosions, blood, and smoke. The battle scenes are boring and confusing, with no sense of strategy or tactics. The movie also suffers from a terrible script, with wooden dialogue, cheesy narration, and forced humor.

Naploeon is also too long and slow-paced, with unnecessary subplots and flashbacks that add nothing to the story. It tries to cover too much ground in too little time, resulting in a superficial and disjointed narrative that skips over important events and details. The movie also fails to develop any of the supporting characters, who are either caricatures or props for Napoleon’s ego. The movie does not explore any of the themes or issues that make Napoleon’s life so interesting and relevant, such as nationalism, revolution, democracy, war, and empire.

Napoleon historical scene


Napoleon is a terrible movie that does not do justice to its subject or its genre. This was a waste of time and money for anyone who loves history or cinema. It is an insult to Napoleon’s memory and legacy. Also a disgrace to Joaquin Phoenix’s career and reputation. It is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

I give it a flikbaktv rating of 1 out of 10.

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